"Rarely have I been able to predict the actions and reactions of others. There are too many variables when it comes to mistranslations and misinterpretations.
Every day, people say and do extraordinary things that can invert the recipient’s expectations in an instant. If there were some kind of script, even just a very loose outline of upcoming events, nobody would stick to it. It would be set ablaze in a most malicious manner. As a spectator, I see people doomed to failure as they spin around and around on the rotating stage of insanity.
I have seen others walk away with the most bitter resentment imaginable. Utterly unprepared for life, they are completely unable to withstand any of its inevitable tragedies. Living with the delusion that life brings only comedy is a surefire way to sabotage all that is positive and meaningful.
Meanwhile, and regardless of whether people are behaving themselves or not, I try to make some sense of the world around me. Human interaction is a spectacle of great theatrical proportions, and the task of truly comprehending it is an epic quest for the ultimate answer.
While the world is burning around me (paper is flammable), I continue in my search for comfort and stability - seeking solace in all things vaguely fluffy and cushy.
I do paintings. Many are nonsensical and whimsical visions of diabolical drama. You might like to take a peek behind the curtain."
Charlie graduated in 2015 from the University of South Wales with a BA (Hons) in Art Practice. She has been a member of the South Wales Art Society (SWAS) for almost a decade. As a prolific artist, Charlie endeavours to keep as busy as her health will allow. Aside from painting, she enjoys modern foreign languages, the occasional glass of red wine, being indoors, and spending nights in with her sleepy cat.